The pad of index finger pressed to lips for a transfer kiss, set to Martin Rojas' cheek. The same finger she'd used to kiss John similarly when he lay in his casket. The same one she'd someday set to Brandon's cold, stiff skin. Any day now. The curse that had claimed her first love and now her father wouldn't hesitate when a likely bullet punctured through the meat of vital organs. A thought only shared once and quickly diminished by a mother's reassuring lips to forehead. Sips from a purse flask snuck in between receiving what felt like never ending condolences from family and friends and strangers alike. The consensus seemed to be that men felt indebted to her father and women would never forget how lovely he always made them feel. Rows upon rows of black. White calla lilies like bursts of plain confetti. A muddied brown of pews meant for a church. All swirled into a colorless landscape of misery and regret. This is what a human life culminated to. A room full of people for a day or two. Grateful Brandon had obliged her request not to go, Nina didn't want him to see her break down. No. That wasn't it. Nina didn't want to feel him coddling her, chasing after every time she needed to step out to smoke or drink. Asking if she was alright a million times over. Trying to hold onto her, contain her, because he didn't know how to be when he couldn't take charge and fix things. There were already enough men in her family trying to do that today. The only other woman that had loved the wild animal that was Martin as she had knew better than to ask or fuss. Hand squeezed in silence once she'd given the eulogy. Fingers tugged at the collar of black dress like it'd come to life and begun to snake further up her neck, Marinina leaned in to whisper to her mother, "I have to go, I'm suffocating."
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